差傳事工 Missionary
成立於 Established in
要藉著禱告和献金支持曾經在本教會實習和受訓過的神學生,他們畢業後都在不同的國家宣教, 主要包括有法国, 波蘭, 中國, 及香港
要藉此教導及做好榜樣, 使會友明白耶穌基督頒佈大使命(馬太 28:19)的重要性, 而且, 透過支持差傳部, 會友可以實踐出來。
在主日崇拜的聚會, 每年举辦最少一次差傳主日, 並由宣教士講道
举辦差傳祈禱會, 為宣教士及差傳机構禱告,
從每年教會的總收入撥出十分之一作為差傳献金, 以支持各個宣教士及差傳机構
針对各個宣教士及差傳机構的需要及要求, 從而寄出每年的全部献金。
Our Goals:
Offering our prayers and financial assistance to support missionaries who were once the Theology students trained up in our church. (They are now serving in various part of the world, including France, Poland, England, China and Hong Kong.)
Offering our prayers and financial assistance to support various missionary organisations across the world.
To demonstrate to and to teach our members the importance of the Great Command taught by Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19) and to achieve it at least through the work of our missionary department.
Our activities:
A Missionary Sunday at least once a year during a Sunday service including a sermon preached by a missionary.
Prayer meetings to pray for missionaries and missionary organisations we support.
Setting up an annual budget each year which is equal to 10% of our total church income for the spending towards missionaries and missionary organisations.
Giving out the total offerings to individual missionaries and missionary organisations during the year, aiming to meet their needs and request.