《新城要理問答》(New City Catechism)是紐約救贖主長老會與美國福音聯盟合作開發的一套基於宗教改革時期教義的要理問答課程。該要理問答有52個問題和回答,適合家庭敬拜、教會成人主日學和每周敬拜誦讀信條時採用。每一個問答既可以用於教導成年人,也可以用於教導孩童。每一個問答都有一個三分鐘視頻,由一位福音聯盟的牧師來為您講解。
The New City Catechism is a modern-day resource aimed at helping children and adults alike learn the core doctrines of the Christian faith via 52 questions and answers.
「養育兒女:五、控制」1. Parenting: Calling
2. Parenting: Inability
3. Parenting: Law
4. Parenting: Grace
5. Parenting: Control
6. The Key to Understanding Why Parenting Is Hard.
How God Saved David Powlison
from Destroying Himself
Face Your Doubt and Then Fight It
by David Powlison